Consulting Services

Services are offered through a well-defined training and technical assistance and collaborative model focused on developing the public health workforce.

Quality Improvement. We define QI as "sweeping your own porch." Understanding how you do your work and the depth of connection between all the parts of your department. We offer shorter QI Studies or more in-depth training on how to set up QI Charters, Teams, and Plans.


Data Analysis/GIS. Data collection and analysis using Excel, SPSS, and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). One of our most favorite activities is developing Community Health Assessments, as Phase 3 of the MAPP.


Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) Framework. MAPP is a community-driven strategic planning process for improving community health. Facilitated by public health leaders, this framework helps communities apply strategic thinking to prioritize public health issues and identify resources to address them. MAPP is not an agency-focused assessment process; rather, it is an interactive process that can improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and ultimately the performance of local public health systems (NACCHO). We offer intensive, year-long TTA on all phases of the MAPP.


Evaluation. Writing evaluation plans and TTA on helping staff understand the value of an evaluation system for the entire organization. We offer needs assessment, process, impact, and outcome evaluation studies. Our services are intended to build your organization's evaluation capacity.


Technology. Setting up databases for tracking projects, building websites, and other technology focused services.


Performance Management. The practice of actively using performance data to improve the public’s health. It involves strategic use of performance measures and standards to establish performance targets and goals. In alignment with the organizational mission, performance management practices can also be used to prioritize and allocate resources; to inform managers about needed adjustments or changes in policy or program directions to meet goals; to frame reports on the success in meeting performance goals; and to improve the quality of public health practice (NACCHO). We offer TTA taking the entire organization through all phases of the PM System.



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My new book for 2022! Published by SAGE Publications - Evaluation Time: A Practical Guide for Evaluation. Available on SAGE, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble. To read more about this book, click here


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